Sunday, 23 November 2014

Our VIP Medical Weight Loss staff wants you to know that you can avoid holiday weight gain

At VIP medical weight loss in Boca Raton we know that for weeks, you have tracked your food and exercised regularly to improve your health and alter the shape of your body. More importantly, you've worked very hard to create real lifestyle changes and to build the confidence that you can stick with it for the long haul. So then why is the winter holiday season so intimidating? The answer is complicated and complex. Sure, there's the food at all of the holiday parties that you are going to attend. However, unlike other food-centric holidays such as Valentine's Day or Halloween, the winter holiday season (and parties) lasts for weeks. There are more parties, more potlucks, more food gifts, more cookies and more of everything! These food temptations won't be going away any time soon. On top of all the food, there is the stress that you have to deal with. This stress can include buying gifts, volunteering, decorating, cooking, and party hopping. These events often take the place of cooking healthy meals at home or even hitting the gym. All of these events can lead to the infamous weight gain that they encourage. So, how can you keep up with a healthy diet and fitness program or even continue to lose weight with all of this going on around us, day after day? We want you to know that the answer is quite simple. You will want to stick with your plan. You must keep in mind that you have overcome temptations and slip-ups in the past, and this is no different. Every day you will be faced with new challenges, yet you remain strong and continue to make daily progress toward your goals. Therefore, why should the holidays be any different? If you want to lose weight this holiday season, you can. You just have to choose to stay in control, one day and one meal at a time. When you join our program, we can help you stick to your weight loss goals. We are here to support you every step of the way.

Our boca raton weight loss program has steps on preventing weight gain.

First, you will want to track your food. That means all of it, from the spoonful of cookie batter that you ate while baking all the way to the free sample of ham that you ate at the grocery store. These hidden calories are easy to forget about but they can really add up. Plus you know from experience how tracking your food helps you to lose weight and eat better. If you do nothing else during the holidays, be sure to track your food diligently every day. Second, you will want to make sure to plan your holiday meals. This is basically a continuation of the first tip. You will want to be sure to plan your meals and snacks in advance so you can enjoy your favorites and still be sure to stay on track. Make sure that before you head to another party or sit down for a holiday dinner, that you pre-track your food for the day. By doing this, you can find places in your day that you can cut back on calories. This way, you will be able to splurge a little more on your holiday meal. You can then easily decide which foods you'll have (and how much) in order to stay within your calorie range. Third, you will want to look up calories before you take a bite. There are different websites and apps that you can use for this.  This way, you can find all of your favorite holiday foods and be able to add them to your meal plan. If you really want to eat a cookie from a co-worker, open up your app. After you find the calories of the cookie, you can then decide whether it fits in with your meal plan. Fourth, you want to be sure to make fitness a priority. It is very important that you remember that food is only one part of the equation that determines whether you'll lose weight or gain weight this holiday season. This is why it is important to remember that fitness is just as important as eating. Make sure that you don't let your workouts get put on the back burner. If anything, you should be trying to work out more this holiday season than you did before. This way, you can curb the weight gain and extra eating that you are likely to do. Lastly, try to schedule your workout like it is an important appointment. You wouldn't miss work, a doctor's appointment, or an important meeting to bake cookies or do some holiday shopping, would you? Therefore, you should add your workouts to your calendar so that other obligations will not get in the way of your gym time or your workouts. You can even tell your friend that you'd love to bring some cookies to her party but that you won't be able to arrive until after Pilates class lets out for the evening.

Our doctor supervised boca raton weight loss program wants to give you food ideas

One great idea that you can try is to bring your own food to a party. This is a great tip if you are heading to a party and you don't know what's in the food or even how the food was prepared. You can pick a healthy, low-cal recipe and bring it along with you. Then, no matter what kind of food is there, you'll have at least one dish you can eat with confidence knowing how many calories are included. One last idea is to be sure that you are limiting your alcohol intake. This is because alcohol lowers inhibitions which will make you more likely to forget about your nutrition plan and overindulge. In addition to that, alcohol alone is pretty high in calories. If you can party hop without drinking alcohol at all, you'll be much better off. However, if you must drink, then you will want to nurse your glass slowly, choose diet-friendly alcoholic drinks, and limit the number of servings that you have. To learn more about our boca raton weight loss program you can visit our website.

Friday, 21 November 2014

VIP Medical Weight Loss Is The Place To Be If You Need Highly Professional Physician Weight Loss in Boca Raton!

If you are searching for ways to make yourself feel and look much better for the up and coming holiday season you will find that choosing a weight loss program is a great way to get started and will be sure to get you much closer towards achieving your goals – give VIP Medical Weight Loss a call today so that they can provide you with all the information that you will need to get started and I guarantee that you will appreciate their hard work and dedication towards providing you with some of the best services available on the web. VIP Medical Weight Loss is known for their professional services and has a great Boca Raton weight loss program available for you to get started with whenever you are ready to get started on shedding those unwanted pounds – it only takes a few seconds to head over to the VIP Medical Weight LossBoca Raton website and doing so will be sure to give you all you need in one central location. When trying to lose weight it is important to have a knowledgeable team by your side to heighten the chances of you not giving up on yourself and eventually falling back in to your old habits – physician weight loss in Boca Raton is the best way forward and will help you achieve awesome results at a very affordable price.

Give VIP Medical Weight Loss a Call Today and Allow Them To Show You The Steps Towards Achieving Your Goals With Their High End Boca Raton Weight Loss Program…

This is your chance to make a life investment that will be sure to bring on long lasting results that your loved ones will be sure to notice and will be something that you can have pride in knowing that you have took the necessary steps towards bettering your life and making yourself feel better about the way that you look and feel. The VIP Medical Weight Loss website has everything that you will need to get started and is definitely an excellent source if you want to work with the true professionals of this field without any hassle – weight loss doctor supervised in Boca Raton is available with these guys and choosing to have your physician weight loss in Boca Raton done by VIP Medical Weight Loss is a smart move to make if you want value for the money that you spend. Getting started is a really simple process and the sooner that you contact VIP Medical Weight Loss is the sooner you will be able to get started on reaching your fitness goals to look your very best this up and coming holiday season – many people often set it as their new year’s resolution to lose weight but why do that when you can put yourself ahead of the game and already be prepared for the new year and focus on other goals that you can set out for yourself to accomplish.VIP Medical Weight Loss is always ready to help their new customers get started because they are really dedicated to the services they provide and the high end results that they help all of their clients achieve on a day to day basis – choosing to have VIP Medical Weight Loss provide you with a weight loss doctor supervised in Boca Raton is the best option and will give you a great experience working with their professional team.

If You Need a Weight Loss Doctors Supervised in Boca Ratonthe Team at VIP Medical Weight Loss Will Be Sure To Help You Get Moving In the Right Direction

Many people who try to lose weight all on their own are often disappointed because they do not have the motivational voice behind them to keep them striving to do better and stick through the rough parts that comes with training – this is why choosing a reputable company to help with your fitness plan is crucial if you do not want to waste any of your time or money by hiring a company that will do no good for you. At the end of the day the decision is yours but if you decide to not do anything about your over weight issues you will be sure to run in to other problems in the future if you are not careful and do not watch over your sleeping and eating habits – it only takes a few seconds to take a look at some of the incredible offers that these guys have going on and making the decision to hire them for your Dr. weight loss in Boca Raton, FL is a move that will be sure to provide you with long lasting results without a doubt. VIP Medical Weight Loss in Boca Raton is always ready and are very reliable weight the way that they render their services so that you will never have to worry about not achieving the results that you set out for yourself. There are many written reviews online that will provide you with the confidence you will need to get started with them as soon as possible and you will see how much their past clients love and appreciate what they have done for them – you too can reap the rewards that comes with making the right choice and I guarantee that choosing to move forward with these guys will put you way ahead of the game and will allow you to transform the way you look and feel in a very short amount of time without any problems. This Boca Raton weight loss program is available for you whenever you are ready but now is the perfect time of the year to get started since there are many great deals going on due to ongoing holiday promotions online. This is your chance to achieve what you have always prepared yourself for and choosing to move forward with VIP Medical Weight Loss is a really smart thing to do if you want a professional physician that specializes in weight loss.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Our VIP Medical Weight Loss staff wants to help you lose weight.

Our boca raton weight loss program wants you to know that in order to lose weight successfully, you need to make healthy lifestyle changes. The first step in losing weight is making a commitment. Making the decision to lose weight, change your lifestyle, and become healthier is a big step to take and it can be very difficult. You will want to start simply by making a commitment to yourself. You may even find it helpful to sign a written contract that explains that you are committing to the process. This contract may include items like the amount of weight you want to lose, the date you'd like to lose the weight by, the dietary changes you'll make to establish healthy eating habits, and a plan for getting regular physical activity. When you write down the reasons why you want to lose weight it can also help you remain motivated. Your reasons for wanting to lose weight may be because you have a family history of heart disease, or because you want to see your kids get married, or simply because you want to feel better in your clothes. You should post these reasons somewhere where you can see them daily. This way they will serve as a daily reminder of why you want to make this huge lifestyle change. We want to help you make this commitment to losing weight and we can help you reach your weight loss goals.

Our staff at VIP medical weight loss in Boca Raton can help you reach your goals.

You will need to determine where you are at with your weight and your health. Some people talk to their health care provider when they are ready to lose weight. He or she can evaluate your height, weight, and explore other weight-related risk factors you may have. However, when you join our program, our doctor will complete a thorough medical examination. This will be done so that they can rule out any diseases that you may have that could be preventing you from losing weight. Another reason that we will conduct this
medical examination is so that we can make sure that you are remaining safe and healthy during your weight loss journey. Another great idea is to keep a "food diary" for a few days. This is where you write down everything you eat. By doing this, you become more aware of what you are eating and when you are eating. By becoming aware of what you are putting into your body, it can help you avoid mindless eating. You will also want to take a look at your current lifestyle. At this time you can identify things that might pose challenges to your weight loss efforts. Maybe you have to travel a lot for work and therefore it is difficult for you to stick to an exercise routine. If you buy sugary snacks for your kids, maybe you get stuck munching on them as well.  Maybe your coworkers frequently bring high-calorie items, such as doughnuts, to the workplace to share with everyone, and you don’t think twice before eating one. All of these are reasons that your weight loss may become stalled. You will want to make sure that you sit down and think of things you can do to help overcome these challenges. Finally, think about aspects of your lifestyle that can help you lose weight. Maybe on your lunch break you can hit the gym that is around the corner for a quick 30 minute walk. If there is a mall nearby your work, you can take your lunch break to walk around and window shop.

Our weight loss program that is doctor supervised in boca raton wants to help you set realistic goals.

Make sure that you set some short-term goals and reward your efforts along the way. If your long-term goal is to lose 50 pounds so that you can control your high blood pressure then some short-term eating and physical activity goals might be to start eating a healthy breakfast, taking a 15 minute walk in the evenings, or having a salad or vegetable with supper instead of fries. You will want to focus on two or three goals at a time. Some great and effective goals will be:
·         Specific
·         Realistic
·         Forgiving (less than perfect)
You will not want to make your goal be to exercise more. This is not specific. Instead, make it your goal to walk for 15 min, 3 days a week. Remember that small changes every day can lead to big results in the long run. Also remember that as long as you are setting realistic goals, they are achievable goals. By achieving your short-term goals day-by-day, you'll feel good about your progress which will motivate you to continue. If you set unrealistic goals, such as losing 20 pounds in 2 weeks, it can leave you feeling defeated and frustrated. When you are being realistic with your goals, it also means that you know to expect occasional setbacks. Setbacks happen when you get away from your plan for any reason. When these setbacks happen, it is important that you get back on track as quickly as possible. You will also want to take some time to think about what you would do differently if a similar situation happens, to prevent setbacks. Just keep in mind everyone is different and what works for someone else might not be right for you. You will want to try a variety of activities to see what you enjoy most and can fit into your life.

Our VIP Medical Weight Loss staff can be your support system.

It is important that you have family members or friends who will support your weight loss efforts. It will be much easier to make lifestyle changes when you have others that you can talk to and rely on for support. You might have coworkers or neighbors with similar goals, and together you can share healthful recipes and plan group exercise nights. When you join our program, we will make sure that we help you build a helpful support system so that you will be successful. You will also want to continually "check in" with yourself to monitor your progress. This means that you will want to revisit the goals you set for yourself and evaluate your progress regularly. If you set a goal to walk each morning but are having trouble fitting it in before work, see if you can shift your work hours or if you can get your walk in at lunchtime or even after work. Make sure that you reward yourself for your successes! Recognize when you're meeting your goals and be proud of your progress. If you want to learn more about our boca raton weight loss program you can visit our website at

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

If you are a woman who is having a hard time losing weight, our VIP Medical Weight Loss staff wants you to know that you are not alone

For unknown reasons to our staff at VIP medical weight loss in Boca Raton, women have a harder time than men when it comes to losing weight. However, we have some tips that can help you jumpstart your weight loss regardless of the fact that you are a woman. First, you should know that healthy fats are an important part of your diet. This is because healthy fats boost your brainpower and mood. These fats are essential to healthy brain function. They put you in a good mood and keep you mentally sharp. Also, healthy fats promote healthy pregnancies. When you’re pregnant, both you and your growing baby need healthy fat to feel your best. In fact, healthy fat is especially important to your baby’s developing brain and nervous system. Do you want to look more beautiful? Then you should know that healthy fats contribute to lifelong beauty. This is due to the fact the healthy fats are essential for vibrant, glowing skin, hair, and nails. A lack of healthy fats in your diet can lead to dull, flaky skin, brittle nails, and dry or easily damaged hair. Do you suffer from insatiable cravings? Healthy fats can help control cravings. Due to the fact that fat is so dense in calories; a little goes a long way in making you feel full. Small amounts of good fats like nuts or seeds make great satisfying snacks.
Also, fats will lower the glycemic index of foods, which will ease the spike in blood sugar that results from eating carbohydrates. Lastly, you need fat in order to absorb certain vitamins. Many important vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble. This means that you need fat in your system in order to absorb them. Our staff wants you to know that you can lose weight and they want you to know that they support you 100 percent. You will receive a specialized plan that will help you learn which foods you should (and shouldn’t) eat.

Our supervised physician weight loss in boca raton has great tips for women who want to lose weight.

It’s important for women of all ages to keep in mind that they want to focus on bone health as well as losing weight. This means that you will need to eat foods that contribute to strong, healthy bones, since women have a higher risk of osteoporosis than men. You can prevent osteoporosis with good nutrition and exercise. You should know that after the age of 30, you will stop building bone mass, but you can continue to eat properly in order to maintain strong bones at any age. The idea is to get enough of the nutrients that support bone health. The role that calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D play in a woman’s bone health is also important to keep in mind. Calcium and magnesium, in combination with vitamin D, are crucial for women’s bone health. The calcium and magnesium needs are higher for people who eat a standard diet that is high in consumption of sugar, caffeine, meat, and alcohol as well as a relatively low consumption of leafy greens and whole grains. The doctor that is on staff at our facility can help you understand the importance of calcium in your diet. We can also help you make sure that you are getting enough calcium on a daily basis to support your weight loss as well as your bone health. You can read more about our doctor supervised weight loss plans by visiting our website at

Our doctor supervised boca raton weight loss plans will help you include your daily dose of fiber.

Another important part of your diet will be fiber. It is important that you are making sure that you are getting enough fiber in your daily diet. Good sources of fiber include whole grains, wheat cereals, barley, flaxseed, oatmeal, beans, and nuts. You can also find fiber in vegetables such as carrots, celery, and tomatoes, and fruits such as apples, berries, citrus fruits, and pears.
You will want to start your day with a high-fiber, whole grain cereal, or add wheat bran and fresh or dried fruit to your favorite breakfast cereal.  This means that you should replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole grain products. You can easily implement fiber into your diet by choosing whole grain bread for toast and sandwiches over white bread. Another great way to implement fiber into your diet is by snacking on fruit and vegetables. We can help you choose recipes that feature these high-fiber ingredients, like veggie stir-fries or fruit salad. Another great idea is to bulk up salads by adding nuts, seeds, kidney beans, peas, or black beans during your meals. Lastly, you can add more fiber to soups and stews by adding barley, lentils, or rice.

Our boca raton weight loss program has advice for easing the symptoms of PMS.

Being a woman, you probably already know that most diets you have ever tried have generally failed during a certain part of the month. Usually, the horrible bloating, cramping, and fatigue that you experience the week or so before your period, is most often due to your fluctuating hormones. However, your diet can play an important role in alleviating these and other symptoms of PMS, which in turn will allow you to stay on your path to weight loss. You will want to avoid trans fats, refined sugar, and salt. This is because sugar worsens mood swings and salt will worsen the water retention and bloating that you feel. You will also want to make sure that you are working at reducing your caffeine and alcohol intake, especially during this time. Both caffeine and alcohol are known to worsen PMS symptoms, so it is best to avoid them during this time in your cycle. You can also try to eliminate red meat and egg yolks as they can cause inflammation. It is best to try sticking to vegetable proteins like soy and nuts, to see if it helps with your symptoms during this time. One last idea that you can try is to cut out dairy. Many women find relief from symptoms when dairy foods are eliminated from their diet. Our goal is to help you become successful on your weight loss journey. Contact our VIP Medical Weight Loss office today to schedule your appointment.