Thursday, 5 February 2015

At VIP Medical Weight Loss we want to help you shop wisely

At VIP Medical Weight Loss we want you to know that the grocery store is not the only place to buy food for your meals. In fact, there are many other venues that can even offer you a significantly cheaper way to purchase food for your meals. You will want to search out different types of stores and markets in your area so that you can compare prices. By doing this, it can save you a lot of money in the long run.

One choice that you will have besides a grocery store will be a discount store.
This is a warehouse or club stores like Costco and Sam's.  These types of stores offer great bargains. You will just want to be sure to only purchase the food that you will use. Keep in mind that seasonal produce is often going to be cheaper at these types of stores. These types of foods will include food items such as boneless, skinless chicken breasts and reduced-fat cheese. However, due to the very large food portions that you will get when you purchase these items, you will need to carefully plan how you will use all of the food to avoid waste which will waste your money. Another great idea that can be very helpful will be to freeze some products in smaller, more manageable portion sizes.

If you would like to learn more about food items that you should purchase in order to aid you on your weight loss journey, contact our staff at VIP Medical Weight Loss.

Our boca raton weight loss program has shopping ideas for your weight loss journey.

Besides the grocery store and warehouse stores, you still have other options on where you can buy your food items.

First, you should try and search out Farmers' Markets.
Many cities, as well as small towns, will host weekly Farmers' Markets. This is where local farmers will bring their food products to specific locations, typically open-air street markets, and they will sell their fresh food directly to you. The best part about farmers markets is that you can generally purchase these food items for less than you'd pay in the grocery store or at a supermarket. If you go to the market towards the end of the day there may be some venders that will sell their remaining perishable items at a discount.

Second, sometimes there are ethnic markets and corner stores that are worth looking into. Many of these types of markets will feature an impressive, affordable selection of fruits and vegetables, as well as some other products.

Lastly, you can purchase generic/store brands to save money. When you are shopping at conventional grocery stores, you will want to compare the unit prices on all of your items. Often the store brand or generic brand will be cheaper than the name brand for the same quality product. Also, some grocery stores will offer you a savings clubs to save some additional money. Be sure to join this club and reap the benefits!

In addition to eating healthier, you will want to join our boca raton weight loss program to lose the extra weight that you have been carrying around. We can help you be successful on your weight loss journey! Contact us today to learn more about our boca raton weight loss program.

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