Friday, 24 October 2014

At VIP medical weightloss we want you to live a healthy life and make healthy eating choices

When you join our VIP medical weightloss program, you will quickly see how we are different from other programs similar to ours. We focus on your health as much as your weight loss journey. In order to lose weight and keep it off, you will need to make lifestyle changes. Also, to be able to lose weight and keep it off, you will need to be healthy. Part of being healthy is focusing on your heart. You may already know that by making unhealthy eating choices, you are increasing your risk of heart disease. The food that you eat can impact your heart just as much as weight loss and exercise can. If you eat a diet that is healthy for your heart, you can lower your risk of heart disease as well as a stroke by about 80 percent. You will be able to have more control over both the quality and length of your life, which everyone wants! You are in charge of your own health and life, our VIP medical weightloss staff wants to help you learn how to take the correct steps in becoming healthier. Did you know that heart disease is known as the leading killer in men and women? Even though this may be the case, you can still protect yourself from this silent killer. By exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, and watching what you eat you can reduce your risk of heart disease as well as lower your cholesterol and controlling your blood pressure. Our VIP medical weight loss facility can help!

What steps can our VIP medical weight loss staff help you follow in order to prevent heart disease?

By improving your diet, you can actually prevent heart disease. However, you may be like many other people who are unsure of where to start. The first thing that you will want to do is to look at “the big picture”. This picture will include you’re eating habits and it will help you see if you have an obsession over a certain food. You will want to make sure that you are not just focusing on eating one healthy food but instead focus on including a variety of healthy foods into your diet. Our VIP medical weightloss staff can help you learn about which foods you should eat more of and which foods you should eat less of. Have you possibly already been diagnosed with high cholesterol or heart disease? If so, it is never too late to eat healthier in order to manage your condition and also reducing your risk for heart attack while you are at it. The foods that you should eat more of are healthy fats (raw nuts, fish oils, and avocados), nutrients (colorful fruits and veggies), fiber (cereals, breads, and pasta), omega 3 and protein (fish and poultry), as well as calcium and protein (egg whites, skim milk, and yogurt). There are many more foods that can be included on the list and you may be able to find more healthy food options when you read our VIP medical weightloss reviews. Do you want to know which foods you should eat less of when it comes to managing your heart health? You should try and stay away from trans fats, saturated fats, packaged foods, white bread, refined pasta, red meat, bacon, fried chicken, egg yolks, and whole milk. Again, there are many more foods that should be included in your “eat less” column when trying to keep your heart healthy. When you like our Facebook page, you will be able to read about more tips and suggestions when it comes to eating healthier.

Our staff at VIP medical weightloss wants you to know how to cut saturated fats and trans fats out of your diet.

The best improvement that you can make to your diet is limiting the amount of saturated fats and trans fats that you eat daily. By eating trans fats and saturated fats your cholesterol level will increase and that will lead to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. However, limiting ad controlling the amount of saturated fats and trans fats in your diet should be fairly simple. There are a few tips that you can keep in mind when trying to control the amount of these fats that you eat on a daily basis. First, you will want to limit solid fat. This means you will want to decrease the amount of butter, margarine, or shortening you are eating or cooking with. Second, you will want to substitute the foods in your diet that have higher fat with a lower fat equivalent. For example, instead of putting butter on your baked potato, try adding salsa on to it.  The third thing that you can do when trying to control the amount of bad fats that you are eating is read your food labels. Even though a food choice states that it is low fat does not mean that it truly is. You will want to check food labels to make sure there are not hidden fats inside the food. Lastly, you will want to change your eating habits. This means that instead of munching on chips, you eat carrots or fruit instead. Our VIP medical weightloss staff has many more tips that you can follow when it comes to changing your eating habits.

Our VIP medical weightloss program wants you to know that not all fats are bad for you.

You may have heard that you need to eliminate all fats from your diet. However, this is not the case. There are actually good fats that you can eat and those fats can actually benefit your heart. These two fats are known as omega 3, omega 6, and monounsaturated fats. These fats can be found in fish (salmon, herring) walnuts, vegetable oil, soy nuts, almonds, cashews, avocadoes. By eating these types of “good fats” you can improve your overall health. When you join our VIP medical weightloss program we can help you eliminate the bad fat from your diet and help your increase the amounts of good fats that you eat. We can help you improve your quality of life. When you are ready to learn more about our VIP medical weight loss program, you can visit our website at

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